M&M Group Nomination At Global Gaming 2013 Awards
Just a quick note thanking anyone who voted for The M&M Group to be nominated as Casino...
M&M Group Welcomes Vicente Fernandez Jr. to the Roster
Exciting Days ahead as The M&M Group Welcomes Vicente Fernandez, Jr. to its exclusive Latin...
Teo Gonzalez & Gilberto Gless Team Up for a Night of Comedy
Teo Gonzalez & Gilberto Gless with Michael Scafuto after presenting a night of Latin comedy...
The M&M Group Produces the Engelbert Humperdinick Show
2 Free Tickets! If you want to attend our Engelburt Humperdinck show this Sunday, August 4th...
Michael Scafuto Welcomes Leann Rimes to a Loving Crowd in SoCal
Michael Scafuto of The M&M Group welcomes Leann Rimes to a loving crowd of over 20,000...
The M&M Group Continues to Help Their Casino Clients Grow
This article highlights the big jump Avi Resort & Casino has made into the local music scene...
Another Successful Event Produced by The M&M Group for Loverboy at Avi
The M&M Group produced yet another successful event for Loverboy at Avi Resort & Casino...
The Fab Four Perform at Beaumont Cherry Festival
The M&M Group’s Michael and Joanie Scafuto with The Fab Four at Beaumont Cherry Festival...
The M&M Group Salutes Erykah Badu on Her Rare West Coast Appearance
The M&M Group’s Michael Scafuto and Jennifer Wise salutes Erykah Badu on her rare West Coast...