Los Angeles Azules Performed At 2018 Ruido Fest
Los Angeles Azules performed at the 2018 Ruido Fest this past Friday June 22nd, 2018
This past Friday, June 22, 2018, Los Ángeles Azules rocked the Ruido Fest in Chicago, Illinois. Everyone in attendance at the Ruido Fest danced and sang along to all their hit songs. Their new album Esto Si Es Cumbia which also the name of their tour has remained # 1 in sales on Mixup and # 2 on iTunes. This performance marked their return to the United States as they now resume their tour and head to New Jersey and New York over the weekend. The Mejía Avante brothers will then head to Hyattsville, Maryland and Louisville, Kentucky for performances on June 29th and 30th. Another great performance for Los Angeles Azules and a great booking by the M&M Group.