Lance Burton Amazes Wild Horse Pass Casino
Lance Burton Amazes Wild Horse Pass Casino
The Master Magician Lance Burton and Friends performed in The Showroom at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino. The show took place this past Saturday March 16th, 2019. Everyone in attendance were all fascinated. Magical performances by Lance Burton, Fielding West, Michael Goudeau, and Keith West’s Illusioneers amazed the crowd. Lance Burton is making his return to the main stage after many successful years of performing at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV with his residency. This show had it all, everything from doves appearing from a single flame to making many things Vanish into thin air. He has another show inside The Showroom at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino on Sunday, March 17th, 2019. This was an overall great show for both Lance Burton & Friends as well as The Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino.